"No Deep Cuts: Winter" Tape

from $10.00

Featuring winter themed cover songs by Werewolf Club, Stirr Lightly, The Peanuts Gang, Pry, Lil Traffic prod. Video World, Michael Jay Box (Rhiannon Box, Brandon Shirey, Owen Bryant, and Quinton Bunk), The Saturday Knights, and Mercurial Idiot (Morgan Travis).

Choose your perfect set!

– Deluxe Sets include the album on a purple cassette tape, one custom Holland Project tape shaped air freshener, and two postcards featuring work by Emily Najera and Marjorie Williams, all in an old school VHS case with artwork by Emily Najera. PLUS you get the digital download. Limited edition of 50.

– Single includes the album on red sparkles cassette tape + digital download. Limited edition of 50

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